sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012


WTTC: One in Ten Employed in Travel by 2012

Imagine a time when 10% of all jobs in the world will be travel and tourism related!

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) sees it that way.

The group recently released its annual forecast for industry growth and projected that this year the global travel and tourism industry will grow by 2.8%, slightly greater than the global rate of economic growth (predicted to be 2.5%).

According to the forecast, travel and tourism's direct contribution to the global economy in 2012 will be more than $2 trillion in GDP and 100 million jobs. In terms of indirect impact, the travel industry will
contribute as much as $6.5 trillion to the global economy, generating about 260 million jobs.

Looking further down the road, the WTTC predicts average annual growth in travel of 4% over the next decade. There will be 328 million travel and tourism jobs in 2022, or about one in 10 of every job.

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